Dogs prove that nature wins, every d--- time

I love this Revisionist History podcast. Malcom Gladwell is passionate about pointing out things we have gotten wrong and that we could do better. Detecting cancer and other illnesses is a powerful example.
"A dog is just as good as ANY cancer detection that modern medicine has come up with."
"We don't believe in smell, we believe in sight. We have more faith in the impossibly complicated, and expensive, and inefficient products of our own technological imagination than we do in the superpowers that nature has bestowed on other animals."
And I'd add-- We have more faith in the products of our own technological imagination than we do in the superpowers that nature has bestowed on us. I've bet my career on trusting some of those superpowers, and I encourage you to bet your health on it.
Anyway, it won't change your life right now, but this is a fun listen: